The Woman Behind the Product

I have always enjoyed looking my best, but I definitely don’t have a ton of time to spend doing it.

As a busy, working mom (hi Ben & Mika!) I have always enjoyed a good life hack. And if it saves time & money, I’m in! Buying products & not knowing how to use them is the worst money waste of all. 

A few of my friends would often ask how long it takes to apply my make-up. They would laugh when I say ‘only 5 minutes’. When you know what to do &  how to do it, it is easy.

That inspired me to make it easier for all. And that’s how EasyGlow started. I wanted to simplify make-up!

 I wanted to create a superior product that works like a charm & gives you time to enjoy your life. As a former Beauty salon owner & Optometrist (I know, weird jump) I knew I had an advantage as to what everyday women would want – an easy, time-saving & highly functional item (note, no Make-up artist amongst these professions), it had to be easy.

I know you will love yours & I hope you enjoy your glow every, single day.

 All my love, Carlie